Arrested Development Exclusive: Three New Posters Tease the Bluth Family's Return


We're oh so close to Arrested Development's return, on the heels of the announcement that Netflix will debut the fifteen new episodes of the show all at once on Sunday, May 26th at 12:01am.

With Netflix's campaign for the show kicking off very soon, we have a sneak peek at three new teaser posters featuring some very specific props from the series. Fans of the show will note that each poster features an item related to a different Arrested Development character, as we pick up with the Bluth family several years later and find out what they've been up to.

Update: We've added all of the new Arrested Development posters below - ten in total. As you can see, there's one for each of the main characters. But what about that mysterious tenth, nearly blank one? Is it for Ann? Annyong? The Narrator? Or just... the show? Hmm...

To help you prepare for Arrested Development, IGN has been looking back at the best moments for all of the characters. Check out the ones we've posted so far below!

Michael Bluth's's Best Moments

George Bluth Sr.'s Best Moments

Buster Bluth's Best Moments

Lindsay Bluth Fünke's Best Moments

Lucille Bluth's Best Moments

Maeby Fünke's Best Moments

The new episodes of Arrested Development debut Sunday, May 26th at 12:01am in territories Netflix is available, including the United States, the UK, Latin America, Canada, Brazil and the Nordics.

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PC Shipments Mark Biggest Decline in Nearly 20 Years


The post-PC era is in full effect. According to market research firm IDC, global PC shipments dropped nearly 14-percent in Q1, totaling 76.3 million units. While that's certainly no paltry sum, it marks the largest year-over-year decline since the IDC began tracking the PC market in 1994. The Q1 2013 results serve as the latest lackluster figures in what has become a consistent quarterly trend of poor PC performance since last year. While the study includes Apple notebooks and desktops, it clearly paints Microsoft's Windows 8 platform as the culprit.

"At this point, unfortunately, it seems clear that the Windows 8 launch not only failed to provide a positive boost to the PC market, but appears to have slowed the market," IDC's VP of Clients and Displays, Bob O'Donnell said.

Of the top five vendors in the U.S., only Lenovo managed to achieve year-over-year growth, whereas HP, Dell, Apple, and Toshiba all experienced significant decline. HP saw the biggest drop, falling nearly 23-percent this quarter as compared to the same time last year. While PCs continue to serve as the foundation of enterprise, tablets have gained a significant stake in consumer sales.

Have you adopted the tablet trend? Would you ever consider foregoing a laptop or desktop in favor of an iPad or Android tablet? Sound off in the comments below.

Scott Lowe is IGN's resident tech expert and Executive Editor of IGN Tech. You can follow him on Twitter at @ScottLowe and on MyIGN at Scott-IGN.

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Why Don't International Audiences Like Star Trek More?


J.J. Abrams' 2009 Star Trek was surely a win for Paramount in the United States, reviving the franchise and making it palatable again to non-Trekkie viewers while also earning $257.7 million domestically. But the international release of the film was a much different picture, earning just $128 million overseas. Compare those numbers to Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, which also hit that year and actually made more internationally with $434 million compared to $402 million here in the U.S.

In fact, as a new story from The Hollywood Reporter points out, Hollywood blockbusters tend to do most of their business internationally these days. Just not Star Trek. But Paramount is looking to change that with the release of Star Trek Into Darkness this summer.

According to the trade, the studio has increased the international marketing budget "in an effort to jump-start foreign grosses" for Into Darkness. "That's my No. 1 initiative," says Paramount worldwide marketing president Josh Greenstein. The studio is taking its cue from how Warner Bros. brought a renewed interest to Batman abroad with the Dark Knight series. "We were able to turn the property into an event instead of a superhero movie," says Warner Bros.' international distribution chief Veronika Kwan Vandenberg. (A similar plan is in the works for this summer's Man of Steel at Warners.)

So how do you turn a "movie" -- a very solid, clear concept -- into the much more opaque notion of an "event"? With a bunch of… well, events. That’s included special press days for international media and exhibitors, flying Abrams, star Chris Pine and producer Bryan Burk all over the world to show off sneak peeks of the film, and even lighting the sky above London with the Star Trek Delta symbol during Earth Hour last month. And perhaps most interestingly, the whole space aspect of the film is being downplayed in the marketing in favor of the Earth-based scenes.

Most painful of all for us plain old American Trekkies, the film will debut in several foreign markets a week earlier than it does here on May 17.

And case in point regarding this international approach: The below animated poster has debuted on some of the Trek international Facebook pages, while new contests for Japanese and Australian fans have hit that are meant to hype up the film's debut.

Read the full The Hollywood Reporter story here.

Talk to Senior Editor Scott Collura on Twitter at @ScottIGN, on IGN at scottcollura and on Facebook.

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Apple Allegedly Cuts Ties with Samsung over A7 Processors


Amidst rising tensions between the two constantly embittered tech giants, the Korea Times is reporting that Apple has plans to sever its ties with Samsung when it comes to producing its A7 processors, Apple’s next generation of mobile CPUs. An unnamed executive working for a Samsung partner revealed that Apple is looking to move its business to Taiwan, as the company has allegedly shared information regarding the A7 processors with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC).

The processors are expected be to available in the first half of 2014 for use in mobile devices and it’s looking like Apple is preparing to decrease its dependence on Samsung for its component parts. Despite the fact that a recent $1 billion settlement between Apple and Samsung was slashed nearly in half, Apple still pays billions of dollars a year to its primary competitor for components like processors and displays.

Moving their business to TSMC might prove to be a strategically sound move for Apple as the Taiwanese-based company has recently boasted of success with producing 20-nanometer chips while expecting a sharp uptick in shipments of their 28-nanometer design in 2013. The same source said that Samsung is looking to deepen its relationship with NVIDIA as Apple gradually cuts the ties that bind them.

Melissa Grey is a lover of all things cats, Batman, and outer space. She can be found on MyIGN at MelissaGrey or lurking on Twitter @meligrey.

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Jurassic Park Dinosaur Noises Were Created With Animal Sex Sounds


With the recent re-release of Jurassic Park in 3D (read our review) plenty of fans are waxing nostalgic about the beloved dinosaur franchise. IGN's own Lucy O'Brien recently wrote an editorial on why it's her favorite film. There have been a wealth of behind-the-scenes featuretts detailing how the effects team created the revolutionary look of the dinosaurs using a combination of CGI and practical effects.

Here's one we didn't know, though: The Dinosaur sound effects were created with animal sex sounds. Yep, NY Mag reports that recordings of animals either in the midst of, or gearing up for, a "romantic moment" were used. Velociraptor = turtle love.

"It's somewhat embarrassing, but when the raptors bark at each other to communicate, it's a tortoise having sex," Jurassic Park sound designer Gary Rydstrom told the outlet.

But wait, there's more. The sound of the flock of Gallimimus that nearly stampedes Dr. Grant, Tim, and Lex were made using a recording of a horse in heat trying to get the attention of a stud.T-Rex eating a human? Dolphin in heat.

There were some G-rated sounds as well. A baby elephant was used for the T-Rex's roar, for example. Pretty fascinating stuff, technically speaking. As to how this effects your image of a beloved childhood favorite? We leave that to each individual to decide for themselves...Thanks to Gizmodo for bringing this to our attention.

Roth Cornet is an Entertainment Editor for IGN. You can follow her on Twitter at @RothCornet and IGN at Roth-IGN.

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SimCity Mac Release Date Announced


EA has announced that SimCity will hit Mac on June 11th. Players who purchase the Mac version will also be able to play on PC and will be able to access their city from either platform. Those who already own the PC version will also receive the Mac version for free.

“You only need to buy SimCity once to play together across the same servers, regardless of which version you’re playing,” explained Maxis general manager Lucy Bradshaw. “We didn’t want to make any compromises when it came to the Mac so we created a native version that is optimized for the hardware and OS X.”

SimCity has sold 1.3 million units since its launch on PC back in March. For our full thoughts on SimCity, read our review.

Andrew Goldfarb is IGN’s news editor. Keep up with pictures of the latest food he’s been eating by following @garfep on Twitter or garfep on IGN.

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Batman #19 Review


Since their debut on Batman, Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have been almost uniformly focused on telling sweeping epics; Court of Owls was nearly a year long, Death of the Family was a multi-faceted Bat-family event, and this summer’s Zero Year is the start to another year-long tale. In the interim, however, Snyder and Capullo are offering up a comparatively small two-parter in Batman #19 and #20. It’s a pretty straight-forward tale – someone appears to be doing terrible deeds under the guise of Bruce Wayne – and Batman’s out to set it straight.

It’s refreshing to see the creators just go off the cuff a bit without having to play to a larger narrative. There are references to Zero Year and certainly consequences of both Death of the Family and Batman Incorporated #8 at play here, but Snyder is more concerned with building a fun mystery for the readers to enjoy. The narrative is pretty predictable in its first half and you’ll likely be guessing the culprit as you read along, but it’s the enhanced twist that Snyder offers the character that is most interesting. It’s not a reintroduction or a revamp, merely an evolution of a character we’re all familiar with; it manages to paint the character in a new light without changing a thing that’s come before. More importantly, Batman #19 is an effective, if simple, detective story; something we’ve seen Bruce doing all too rarely in the last couple of years.

Capullo delivers more of his usual great work here and gets to traverse some new ground thanks to the aforementioned new villain. So far in this series, Batman has dealt mostly with some of the more “grounded” (I use that term loosely) members of his rogues gallery, but here Capullo gets to explore one of the more fantastical. But Capullo’s devotion to physical accuracy and perspective never lets Batman #19 stray too far from what we’ve come to expect from the visuals of this series, and he manages to deliver panel after panel of stellar Batman action. There are some great brooding scenes in the cave as well that just have “iconic” slapped all over them.

Also a delight this month is the back-up feature by James Tynion IV and Alex Maleev. Not only is it an immense joy to see Maleev drawing Batman, but this issue does one better by bringing Superman into the fold. That’s right, the back-up here is a classic World’s Finest team-up. It’s very much Superman coming into Batman’s world – Tynion plays up Superman’s weakness to the supernatural – and it’s just a blast to read. Tynion jams off of some beats in the main narrative where Alfred references Clark calling Bruce to talk about Damian, and it works like a charm. It might not be the most memorable Batman/Superman pairing, but it’s certainly the best we’ve seen in the New 52 and it’s gorgeous to boot.

Joey is a Senior Editor at IGN and a comic book creator. Follow Joey on Twitter @JoeyEsposito, or find him on IGN at Joey-IGN. If he could, he'd run away to live amongst wild cats for the rest of his days.

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